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Designing the environment of the future

Arkkitehtitoimisto Helamaa & Heiskanen is a versatile and award-winning architectural company from Tampere. Since 1982, we have undertaken projects with the expertise, ambition, and creativity of our experienced team.

We are innovative, professional, and humane

We design environments where people live, learn, reside, and work throughout their everyday lives. Our expertise is multidisciplinary, and we are guided by the pursuit of finding the best possible outcome every time. With the certainty brought by our extensive experience and a forward-looking perspective, we create functional spaces for long-term use.

Our company specialises in designing educational institutions, office spaces, residential buildings, and urban environments, as well as in the management of other large-scale projects.

Alongside project development and co-development services, we also offer information modelling services as well as interior design, landscaping, and visualisation. We use our expertise for the good of the community and the environment; many of our projects have received both environmental and well-being certifications.

In our daily work, we conduct initial surveys for projects, project evaluations, and planning. We manage the entirety of a project from the conceptual stage to completion while always prioritising the client’s interests.

Learning Environments and Public Spaces

Learning Environments and Public Spaces

Welcoming and versatile public spaces and functional learning environments are the result of careful planning. We consider the wishes and needs of users and create timeless spaces for various purposes.

Office Spaces

Office Spaces

We design adaptable office, production, and commercial spaces suitable for various businesses. Our expertise covers both new construction and renovation projects for office spaces.



We design stylish and user-friendly homes. Our expertise includes new construction as well as additions that are helpful in increasing living space while preserving existing buildings.

Service development

Service Development

Our services include the design and renovation of shopping centres, supermarkets, cinemas, gas stations, and other similar facilities.

Urban Planning

Urban Planning

In addition to buildings, we plan the outdoor spaces between them and create pleasant urban environments. Our services also include landscape and green space planning.



Renovation promotes sustainability and allows for the preservation of valuable heritage buildings. We plan renovations as well as demanding indoor air quality improvement projects. We collaborate with the Finnish Heritage Agency on preservation projects.

Innovative and human-centred design meets the needs of end-users

The Four Qualities of Architecture

Beauty, durability, and functionality are common requirements for good architecture. We add one more quality to the list: user-centeredness. In every project, our goal is to blend the needs of end-users with project requirements, resulting in truly functional and beautiful architecture that stands the test of time.

We have our own quality system with strict standards to ensure high and consistent quality in all our projects.

Explore Our Projects

Tampere Public Railway Terminal

2025 –


The project includes designing a new public transportation center which combines the railway and city-scaled public transportation under one roof and provides for the future possibilities for long distance bus…

Tampere Public Railway Terminal





In 2016, TOAS organised a planning competition for the Hipposkortteli area, previously a government office building site.



Sähkötalo Research Hub

2021 –

Hervanta, Tampere

Sähkötalo Project is a part of the first phase of the facilities programme of the University of Tampere. The Space Need Study Phase of Sähkötalo was completed in fall 2021…

Sähkötalo Research Hub

Hervanta, Tampere

As Oy Tampereen Arkadia and As Oy Tampereen Puistotammela


Tammela, Tampere

The new block replicates the robust architecture of Aaltosen Kenkätehdas (Shoe Factory) with a modern touch.

As Oy Tampereen Arkadia and As Oy Tampereen Puistotammela

Tammela, Tampere

Ranta-Tampellan kanavakortteli


Ranta-Tampella, Tampere

Ranta-Tampellan Kanavakortteli consists of a total of five 14-story residential buildings. The buildings are connected by a 2-story base with parking facilities, on top of which the narrow-framed apartment buildings…

Ranta-Tampellan kanavakortteli

Ranta-Tampella, Tampere

Upper Secondary School of Oulu Lyceum



The Upper Secondary School of Oulu Lyceum is a valuable part of the national cultural environment. The establishment is located in a central and significant area considering the cityspace.

Upper Secondary School of Oulu Lyceum





The old Tavara-asema (Cargo station) from 1907 is a brick-built office building, to which cold cargo shelters and storages of wooden and steel structures from various eras used to be…



Visualisation and Models


We implement all our construction projects based on information modelling. Information models can be utilised throughout the entire lifecycle of a construction project, from the planning phase to commissioning and even as a maintenance tool during a building’s use.


3D and information modelling enable the visualisation of sketches and plans at different stages of the design process. Visualisation allows us to create illustrative model images and videos. With VR technology, it’s also possible to step inside the model.

Contact Us

Send us an inquiry or get in touch.

Career at Helamaa & Heiskanen

Join our team! We have a motivated team of experts, and our office fosters an equal, tolerant, and supportive work environment. We offer our employees independence and an open work culture that provides support and assistance when needed.



Uusi toimitilarakennus GO21 on valmistunut

Vastikään Tampereelle valmistui korttelin kokoinen toimitilarakennus GO21. Rakennus sijaitsee rautatieaseman välittömässä läheisyydessä; parissa minuutissa olet ykköslaiturilta uudessa modernissa toimistotilassa.  Toimistorakennuksen uudet toimitilat tarjoavat käyttäjilleen monikäyttöisiä, muunneltavia ja käyttäjäyrityksen yksilöllisiä tarpeita vastaavia tiloja. GO21:lle on myönnetty Pohjoismaissa vielä harvinainen WELL-sertifikaatti, jota on toistaiseksi haettu vain muutamille kiinteistöille. WELL on kansainvälinen laatuleima…

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Uusi toimitilarakennus GO21 on valmistunut


Oulun Lyseon peruskorjaukselle kunniamaininta


Tavara-asema palkittu vuoden 2023 tapahtumapaikaksi