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OAMK Linnanmaa Shared Campus

Vuosi 2017-2020

Sijainti Oulu, Linnanmaan kampus

Laajuus 27 000 m2, Floor area

Tilaaja SYK University properties of Finland LTD

Nationally valuable built cultural environment. (RKY-2009)

The design of the site has been classified as exceptionally demanding by the Oulu Building Inspectorate.

Healthy House project, Ramboll as moisture management coordinator, exceptionally demanding building physical design.

As the Oulu University of Applied Sciences gave up its rented premises in various locations, it was decided to move all other disciplines – with the exception of Social and Health Sciences – to the Linnanmaa campus in the premises vacated by the University of Oulu. The OAMK technical, cultural, music and dance and business departments moved to the Linnanmaa campus. The previous premises covered an area of around 40 000 m2. By making more efficient use of space and using new technology, the Linnanmaa campus could accommodate around 27 000 m2 of activities.

Multi-purpose, flexible, modern and efficient learning and working environments were designed for the UAS. Special facilities were designed for music and dance teaching, for example, and for research and teaching laboratories in the field of technology. Links with the world of work and business were supported through spatial solutions. Work spaces were implemented as a multi-space office solution. The principle of shared use was very strongly implemented, with the university’s activities also being partly involved, for example in the joint hybrid laboratories for building services and energy, and in the motor and automotive laboratories.

The design work was carried out from the beginning to the end of the process as a participatory design involving the users. The site was completed in spring 2020. We have also been extensively involved in various development projects on the Oulu University campus in cooperation with the Finnish University Properties.

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